Winter Newsletter ’23

It’s been a busy few months for the Westonfence™ team due to our decision to market and distribute our products independently via the rural reseller network.
Fencing for Floods

We’ve had favourable feedback from landowners in flood-prone areas who’ve installed the Westonfence fencing system.
Autumn Newsletter ’23

Westonfence™ are looking forward to a busy 2023 with a number of changes to our business.
Fencing for Biosecurity

Fences, pests and weeds rank high on the list of threats that can affect your farm biosecurity! Creating a strong and well-maintained boundary fence is one of your best defences.
December Newsletter ’22

Who can believe it’s December already? It doesn’t seem that long ago we were seeing the “jolly red fellow” lurking on corners and reminding us that another year has gone by.
Fencing Puckapunyal

Did you know Westonfence™ secures the boundary of the military installation at Seymour in Regional Victoria known as Puckapunyal?
Protecting Habitats

A 10-wire feral proof Gallagher + Westonfence was erected on Mogumber Nature Reserve, to exclude a population of feral pigs and protect the Western Swamp Tortoise, whilst allowing it egress into and out of a swamp.
Increased Productivity

Doug says that prior to the new fence, they had very limited success with controlling wild dogs, especially because the property was bordered by pine forest and gumtree country.
Protecting Livelihood

With a mere 40% lambing success, Robert Scott needed a fencing solution that would stop his property being a “honey pot” for wild dogs.
Surviving Floods

In March this year, major flooding in South-East Queensland decimated the region’s first decent crop in years. It also destroyed hundreds of kilometres of fencing.